I have a really unique first name. No really, my parents were hippies, it was the 70's, I'm relative sure that there were drugs involved. I don't share it here because of it's uniqueness, but I will happily give it to you in person. It is on my business card. I do have some frightening ex's, so please keep it to yourself.
I am an introvert at home (I need my me time) but an extrovert at work (I deal partially with customers, and I'm chatty), but I also share stuff with strangers. I can't make up my mind if I'm an I or an E apparently.
I work in IT with PC's (a job I love) but I have a Mac at home because I refuse to let it be known that I'm really a super geek.
I have tried nearly every craft at least once. The only ones I've managed to keep up are knitting, crocheting and sewing. Sewing is hit or miss, I knit and crochet pretty consistently.
I learned to crochet from my Grandma Marie when I was little. I taught myself to knit when I was living in NYC was horribly lonely. The fall after I learned I knit 24 hats taking the N from Brooklyn to Chelsea.
I'm too loud, to honest and too direct to be a Minnesotan, despite having been raised here. I feel most comfortable with my loud mouth in NY. My love and my life are here, but I feel like an east coaster at heart.
I hate passive aggressive, since I am horrible at telling what people "really" mean.
I have crocheted at least 20 (still counting) potholders to take with to BlogHer. Am I a dork who could be taking them all home. Maybe. If you see me, ask me for one. Am I a dork who is going to give some away here? Sure.
So, if you're feeling like you could use a new potholder, made out of brightly colored cotton, then leave a comment. I'm giving away at least three, but depending on how many people comment, you could all get one.
Well, I don't really cook - so don't have much need for pot holders - though I'm sure my daughter would LOOOVE one to use with her 'stuff' as she loves brightly colored - and all things that are not hers!
I do want to say that I think it's great that you learned from your Gram & perhaps it's something you can pass down to M one day...
Have a great time at BlogHer...
Hello again! I must say that I really thought your name was Amelia...so now I'm very intrigued as to what your first name really is. :) Both of my sisters have taken up knitting, and I may have to join that bandwagon soon. I like crafts where I can follow a pattern and don't have to be creative.
Love your writing!
Hi - are you taking guesses at your real name...my guess is Sunshine. Ok that is a pretty lame guess.
I am the reverse of you in some ways, I grew up in NY and moved to MN for school and stayed. However I have kept many of my NY ways (especially when it comes to driving..really do they not teach how to use your horn in drivers ed?) but seem to be more and more MN by the day.
I would love to have a handmade potholder. I would treasure it!
love the sharing :-) wish i could meet ya at blogher, but alas... not in the budget this year. good luck with the potholders!!!
So I'm totally late on this - I read it but couldn't comment from my phone! If you have any potholders left, I'd love one too. :)
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