I don't hide that I want a Canon DSLR, and I want it bad. It is what I have been saving for. Unfortunately, I don't see it happening any time soon. I just can't seem to save enough, what with the diapers, the food, the damn we're going to need a big girl bed because the snot is removing her diapers at night.

So lately I've been trying to really get to know my little Canon PowerShot A540. So far, it is working. I get the macro shots I love so much, as well as good video, and the ability to go fully manual. Nearly every day I'm out taking pictures of my beautiful garden.

Until that happens, if you are looking for me, I'll be out in the garden, perfecting the use of the manual macro settings.

great job da. love the art and the art project.
I have always admired your photos on the header of your blog. They always inspire me to try to take photos li
ke them. You have a real talent. You mentioned some applications you want. Do you use those for editing? I don't have the slightest clue on how to use things like Photoshop, and I want to learn how. What application do you recommend - Photoshop, or another? What is the best way to learn how to use it?
Please continue to post your photos. They are fun to see.
I too wish I'd of become a real life photographer! I'm addicted to all things photo and take a ton of pics each and every day - I am glad you too are taking more pics...they are beautiful!
I'm taking a free online class regarding Photoshop elements - let me know if you want details - my program is the 5.0 but if I like the class (2 weeks long - an email a day -work at your own pace type thing) and 7.0 is better I'm going to take the plunge and invest in it!
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