Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I want a damn cookie

Stress is getting to me, not getting to have treats is getting to me, and I'm feeling a little bit like a failure. I know it will pass, but for now, I'm hating it.

Last night I went clothes shopping and couldn't find any pants that really fit well enough for the whole new work wear requirements. I ended up trying on half the store and leaving with one pair of pants and some clearance shirts. I cannot wait until warmer weather when I can get out the capri's (which likely won't fit and I'll need to get more).

I was all ready to work out tonight and then managed to eat something bad for lunch (note to self: clean out fridge more often so that you don't grab too old leftovers), and I was in no shape to work out.

I've got horrible spring fever. All I want to do is be outside walking or getting started on running. M's feeling it bad too. She begs to go for walks with the dog, and while I'll go down the block and back with them even when it is a bit chilly, the weather has not been right for much more than that. I've got a bunch of time off starting next week, and I'm hoping the weather holds out for that and for M's birthday on Easter.

So, spring fever it is, and I think I can hold off on the cookie for a little bit longer. Maybe.


Birdie said...

hahaa..your post title gave me a little chuckle. and i know your pain, both with the no treats and the stupid cold weather.

Syl said...

Remember not to give int o your cravings a lot but sometimes giving in a little might actually help. I keep the 100 calorie packs and I am one of thos epoeple who can have 1 bag and be ok. So, when I am craving a humingous cookie, I open a bag, eat enough sugar that won't send me into a coma or puking hell and my craving's usually been satisfied.

You are doing so good, you are allowed a cookie every now and then :)

Sarah @ said...

If you like berries or sweet fruits like nectarines, would that help settle the cookie-want? I know berries always satisfy my desire for something sweet.