Sunday, March 15, 2009

Radio Silence

I'm going silent for a little bit. Work is nuts, and something personal is blowing up and has gone public. I'm having a hard time not writing about it, and I just can't write about it. It involves M, and our privacy. When I figure out how to write about it, I will share. I want to write about it, because I think it involves important stuff. That is the worst part, it should be written about.

Know that I'm struggling with the staying on track while going through so much stress. It is hard, I'm slipping up with my goals more than I would like. But these damn real jeans are so nice, I won't give up completely, I swear.


Fiona Picklebottom said...

I hope everything works out. I'll look forward to when you're back.

Rebecca said...

Thinking of you...

darcie said...

Just wanted you to know I'm here - and thinking of you too!
Hang in there -

Syl said...

You gotta come back; you are my motivation for doing the 30DS!