Monday, November 10, 2008

Well, that will teach me.

The previous potty post may be the last you hear about potty around here for awhile. I also haven't given a sleep update for fear of jinxing it. Today I tempted fate by posting a comment over at Cribsheet about how great of an eater M is. She got me back by proceeding to have a major temper tantrum (really, her first of many I am sure) about eating dinner. Bad timing, she was off a bit all day, and it all just went horribly wrong. A and I have agreed that he will be more involved in things, since she seems to respond to him more me sometimes. I am a far greater pushover than I had hoped I would be.

In any case, though I am sure that this will come back to haunt me, M has been sleeping much better lately. We discovered that footy jammies are a must, since she is a squirmer and getting cold seems to have been part of the issue. Now the hard part is finding cotton ones since synthetic fibers make her sweat. I think we're good for now, just hope she doesn't grow out of them before the end of winter.

Of course, now I am sure that she will be up all night. At a minimum sleeping next to me and making my back go all wonky.


Marketing Mama said...

I really like the cotton full-body footy pajamas at The Childrens Place. I'm tackling sleep issues at my house too... good luck!

Anonymous said...

Katy found that cotton longjohns with socks worked as H got too tall for the footy ones and when cotton was harder to find.