Monday, June 23, 2008

Varmit Control

Ok, so last week I did this post about bunnies in my garden and bunny books over at Savvy. It was a fun post to write, and it helped me deal with my frustrations with the bunnies that have been having their way with my plants. Especially the HUGE one, I like to call her Maude, and her many offspring. (including the one caught by neighbor cat that I almost saved, but I had to get to work)
After the post, I went out and sprayed some more of the nifty liquid fence stuff. I thought it was working. I was pleased with myself. Then Saturday afternoon I think I found the real reason why I haven't seen a bunny in days. I had gotten in the car to go shoe shopping, when I saw four of these in the yard down the next block. Just sitting there. I drove past. I got mildly freaked out and rolled up my windows.
They have been hanging out down the street for days now. Sunday I went out to get pictures of two that seem to always be on the ground, and one overhead had something to say about it.

Today I snapped the picture to the right and I think I have correctly identified them as Red Tailed Hawks. (not nearly as cool as juvenile eagles that I originally thought they were) No matter what, I like this form of pest control. I like it a lot. Even if I do now refuse to walk the very small dog down that block.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know, we just had 3 hawks in the big ol' oak tree in our backyard this morning! I think they're keeping down our bunny population, too.