Wednesday, July 7, 2010

16,368 feet, 4,988 meters (for you Canadians)

Due to rain, and visits to the in-laws for the best fireworks in town, and romantic dinner dates with my awesome husband, I hadn't run since last Saturday. Today was my last day with no kiddo for the foreseeable future so I made the most of it...

...and ran 3.1 miles (fine maybe just three when you figure in the half a block to and from the parkway)

I ran three miles.

I don't think I've ever run three miles in my life. Seriously, like never. Well, until today.

The best part is, it will not be the last time I do it. I may even do something crazy, like run four or even five miles.

I still need to add another half a mile to get to what I am have committed to do for BlogHer, but I'm trying not to think about that right now. Right now it is all about the three miles.

Three hard fought, delicious, take your breath away, make you sweat in the 80% humidity miles.


Monika said...

Woo Hoo! You go Girl. Keep reaching for those higher goals. You will achieve every single one.

Casey said...

Congratulations! You're making me itch to run after this baby is born.

Mother Venture said...

Hey There! (maybe you don't rememeber me, I changed blogs from Spot on Your Pant's to Everyday Song...we used to live in MN). ANYWAY, congrats to you! Guess what? We're both signed up for the 6:15AM 5K run at Central Park. I'm really excited to meet you! Cool. You rock!

Wisconsin Parent said...

What the heck. Here's my profile (comment above).

qtix said...