Sunday, April 19, 2009

I am not full of ...

Tonight I was going to skip exercise. I skipped last night because we were out with A's brother's family celebrating M's birthday. (I had dessert, it was a beautiful thing) I'm also maybe possibly coming down with a cold, so I figured I'd earned some rest.

Then this little voice in my head was like,

Seriously? You're seriously going to make that excuse? You can do a silly little walk. It isn't raining. It is pretty nice, and you're going to make some lame ass excuse about being a little sick. Do you not remember that you found even MORE clothes in the closet that fit you now? You're not that far away from the entire size 16 collection of really cool clothes. Get up off of your ass and go for a fucking walk.

So I did, and then just to prove to the little voice in my head that I am not full of it, and I am becoming a changed woman, I decided to start my version of the Couch to 5K and run part of my walk. Two mile walk, I did 30 second (or so, I've timed it before and it is around 2 blocks so that is what I did) jogs 5 times.

I may not be losing much weight, but this change that has happened with me exercise wise is weird. I have no idea where it comes from most days. Maybe I should have listened to the voices earlier. Granted, I think they used to say, "Eat the cookie, it's only one cookie." repeatedly.


Jen said...

Yay that's great! It's so nice to go down sizes!

Unknown said...

Can your little voices come and visit me? Nice to get into those clothes again. YEAH

Fiona Picklebottom said...

Good for you! Unfortunately, I am still at the point where, when the little voices berate me for skipping exercise, I say back, "Yeah, well, screw you!" Also, even though they berate me for skipping exercise, they are still total cookie-pushers. :)

Sarah @ said...

There is soooo much more to health and fitness and feeling good about oneself than the number on a scale, so even if you aren't losing much weight, I'm sure it's the little progresses like wearing the entire size 16 wardrobe, that should count the most =)

At least. That's what I plan on telling myself post-baby. When the voices will be telling me "it's only one cookie."

Oh, wait. That's what they tell me now...

darcie said...

Awesome! Every little bit helps and adds up to big change!!
Great work!