This is a post mostly for my friend Pusher. These are the Brussels sprouts I grew. We finally harvested them today, I just couldn't wait any longer. They were so tiny (apparently they don't like fighting for sun with a summer squash on steroids) but because of the freezes, they were so sweet. I could have eaten all of them myself, but I had to share with A and M. I even saved a few for tomorrow at work.
You have to grow them next year, dear. They are seriously easy.
In case you haven't noticed, I'm doing IComLeavWe. Hosted by the wonderful Melissa Ford. I can honestly say I wish I didn't have to know who Melissa was. Not that she isn't entirely wonderful (she is, I met her this summer at BlogHer) but because it means that in my case, so many of my friends have struggled with fertility issues. It seems entirely unfair because I should have, and I got lucky. Based on everything I know now about my health issues, it is especially true. I introduced myself to Melissa this summer because of one friend (one of A's old roommates) and then found out weeks later I should have gotten another book for another friend.
Those two friends are both dealing with stuff so serious, so crappy, that if it were me, I am not sure it wouldn't have broken me, at least a little. However, they are so brave, so gracious, and they deserve to not have to go through what they are going through. Ladies, I'm thinking of you, a lot. Nothing but positive energy in your general direction.
YUM YUM. So is the shed going to be gone so you have that much more room for garden. I'm sure it had a positive impact on the grocery bill and it's fruits are so tasty.
I will also hold some positive energy for your friends. We are all so lucky to have M.
..mm not a fan of BS but they sound yum.
No-one deserves to go through such struggles I am glad your friends have a friend like you to empathise and try to understand.
I adopted a son, then lost a surprise baby girl @6 months gestation, then we tried IVF ...
Happy ICLW
I don't know about these things, but I've heard that smaller sprouts are supposed to be tastier. Were they?
I make calendars for my family too, they love them.
Stopping buy from ICLW
totally loving the title of this post and how it works through the whole piece.
That list made me sad though. I remember stirrup queen because I found her through "a little pregnant" which I once sat down and read from first post through 2 years of posts when trying to conceive violet. I just can't believe how many blogs are over there, all with issues.
I'm currently working on a short story called "If you have unprotected sex, you'll get pregnant - and other lies my momma told me." I dedicate it to all of them if I ever finish it.
I'm doing IComWeLeave too. We had brussell sprouts for Thanksgiving. I forget how I cooked them, turned out well though. In Canada we have Thanksgiving in October.
Wow. thanks. you totally made me bawl at my desk. I'm lucky to have such great friends --- even if they live so far away.
Oh my god those look so amazingly delicious. You've inspired me. Next year, Brussels sprouts!
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