It is official. One project and I am totally in love with One Yard Wonders. Not that I really doubted it. I know the authors and some of the contributors and I know that they are great artists, and great teachers. However, I reserved really writing about it until I was able to do a project from the book. As you can tell, that took all of like four days. (I got it late Friday) I also have plans to make more of them, because I love it that much. Pretty sure next on my list is going to be the hotdish holder. You know, for the potlucks at work. This is Minnesota after all. M has requested a twirling skirt, the book offers two. I want an apron, there are many options for those as well.
I collect fabric, and while I am sure my husband loves it taking up room in the basement, this book is my first real chance at actually starting to use some of it. Finally.

Still not sure if it needs windows on the outside. I'm thinking yes, but I need input. The roof is made of multiple scalloped "tiles" though it is hard to tell in the photo.
I was not compensated in any way for this post nor requested to write about it. I shelled out my money for the book, that was how much I really wanted to be able to write about it without having to put it on a review blog. Don't expect this to be the last post about projects I've made from it either.
Looks like fun. Must admit it reminds me of your grandmother M.
So glad you found a use for those yards of fabric, think what could have been done with all from grandma L.
Window on the outside--or the kid will ask how those on the inside work. Their sense of proper is not to be underestimated.
Windows would give interest/focal points and look more "right" from what we are familiar with.
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